This Monday's lecture contained information on how to use our chalk and wire accounts to post our compentencies. From what I understand we have to come up with different artifacts throughout college in our education courses that somehow represent that competency. This system is apparently relatively new to Luther. I'm guessing that they are trying to keep up with the technology or save paper by doing this electronically. Personally, I don't like doing projects that require using complicated technology (It's complicated for me ok!), but I do recognize how important it could be in my future to show my strengths in my education courses. I just get really frustrated when I can't figure out all of the steps it takes to upload something or having to deal with slow internet or bad computers. Sometimes I think I should have been born decades ago because I'm so bad with computers! Believe me, even being able to produce this was a challenge. I guess I'll just have to live in the present and get used to it! I will try to make this negative a positive and think of using chalk and wire as another challenge in college that will help my computer skills. Anyway, I think that Erin did a great job of giving us and introduction to chalk and wire, and hopefully I will learn to like it!
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I totally agree with you. Im not really sure what the point of Chalk and Wire is. I know it counts as part of our grade, but really is it worth it? I have found that it isn't as hard as they made it sound.
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